I'm Dora
The head and hands behind dorritochan pottery. I have a passion for handmade ceramics and put all my creativity and attention to detail into every single piece. In my small pottery studio in Wiesbaden, unique works are created that combine beauty and functionality. It gives me great joy to share the art of pottery with you - be it in the form of my ceramics or through stories about the craft that inspires me every day. Welcome to my world of ceramics!
dorritochan pottery
/ˈdɔːrɪtoʊ tʃɑːn ˈpɒtəri/
originates from dorrito + -chan pottery:
dorrito is a nickname for Dora, and -chan (ちゃん) is a Japanese affectionate suffix that conveys endearment, cuteness, and familiarity.

The Beginning
I first encountered potters on a hot summer day in Portugal in 2022. I took an 8-hour pottery course in Porto with my friend Steve. We were so enthusiastic about pottery that we bought a potter`s wheel after we got home from vacation. We didn't have much space in the apartment even then; I cleared a small corner of my study for the new disc and it has been there ever since, accompanying me every day as I make it.

The Production
Pottery is a complex subject: there are countless methods to make a single cup. I chose the throwing method, which involves shaping the vessel on the potter's wheel. This is followed by trimming, the process of refining the shape and removing excess clay from the vessel. The pieces are then fired at 950 °C, glazed and fired a second time at 1210 °C. The most exciting moment is opening the kiln: this is when the result of all the work is revealed. A unique and magical moment!

The Future
I have been immersed in the world of ceramics since mid-2024 and am still at the very beginning of my journey. There are so many ideas I want to implement and I love experimenting with clay, forms and glazes. Currently I am working on balancing manufacturing, sales and my creative ideas. My dream is to one day own my own studio where I can not only work but also mix my own glazes and develop new creations.